导读 大家好,霖霖来为大家解答以上问题。英语单词diehard很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! Diehard, 是指铁杆支持者。 "Jimmy...
Diehard, 是指铁杆支持者。
"Jimmy is a diehard fan of the Washington Redskins," 吉米是华盛顿橄榄球队红人队的铁杆球迷。
"My father and my husband get along well even though one is a diehard Democrat and the other is a diehard Republican," 我老爸和我先生很合得来,尽管他们俩一个是铁杆民主党,一个是铁杆共和党。
苹果iPhone上市前, "Many diehard Apple fans stood in line all night to be the first to buy the new 3G iPhone," 很多苹果公司的铁杆消费者都彻夜排队,希望能抢先买到第三代iPhone。